The Ashen-robed Man

From her father's own lips, the pressure to keep quiet about Tang Wulin had been issued by the higher-ups. What Mo Lan did not know, however, was that Shrek Academy had a huge hand in the secrecy surrounding all things Tang Wulin. And that they had done so for the sake of his safety. It was best if such a young person was cast out of the spotlight, away from the evil soul masters' dangerous gazes.

"Big Sis Mo Lan, don't cry! See, I'm fine!" Tang Wulin put on his brightest smile. "How have you been? Have you fully recovered?" He grabbed some nearby tissues and offered them to her.

Mo Lan accepted the tissues and dabbed at the corners of her eyes. "I'm doing good, thanks. Jeez. You should have listened to me when I told you to leave that day. But still. Thank you. You saved my life."

"Big Sis, you're exaggerating. Any soul master would have done the same. By the way, has that evil soul master been captured yet? I heard from my teacher that he was able to escape."