Supreme Golden Dragon Armor

Na'er vaulted off the ground with the Silver Dragon Spear. However, she was still affected by the airwaves even after she did that. Her body was shrouded in a silver light as she flipped and dove toward Tang Wulin's skull.

Tang Wulin had told her long ago that the only position where one could evade Golden Dragon Shakes the Earth was above him.

"Did it hurt?" Na'er asked Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin shook his head. The Silver Dragon Spear had only stabbed him for a moment when the scales on his body flickered. At that moment, he only felt that he had ample blood essence, and he unleashed Golden Dragon Shakes the Earth almost by reflex. As for pain, there was not even an ounce of it, and there was no damage to the Golden Dragon scales on his arm either.

"Then that's right. I think I know what your soul skill's ability is," Na'er said with a smile.

Tang Wulin asked inquisitively, "What is it?"