Fighting Each Other Again

The venue that Luo Guixing rented was Shrek Academy's special competitive arena that would usually come into use during the academy's internal battles. Customized Soul Barriers lined the arena along with a self-recovery system. Under the protection of the teachers', the possibility of heavy damage was unlikely and thus allowed the students to showcase their personal abilities fully

Naturally, renting a venue such as this one cost quite a bit.

When Tang Wulin and the other five arrived, Luo Guixing and the four of them were already there, having arrived much earlier.

Aside from them, a majority of the first grade class one students were already there, and quite a few from second grade class one attended. Yuanen Yehui and Yue Zhengyu were there as well.

Tang Wulin walked toward Yuanen Yehui and asked her softly, "Are you here to spy on us?"

Yuanen Yehui glared at him. "Why do you ask? Are you afraid of letting us watch?"