Operating the Mecha

They were taught the most fundamental basics when they first began learning about operating a mecha. However trivial it sounded, it was a very important process. Even for someone with Tang Wulin's physical abilities, he would still need two lessons before he could get a feel for the mecha's balance.

Just as Teacher Duan had explained, one would first have to feel that one had already grown taller by ten meters. It was only then that one would be able to find one's sense of balance. Tang Wulin was the only student who did not fall over when he was in the practical class for the first time.

The act of operating a mecha was truly an act of physical labor. Even the contractions in one's muscles were capable of affecting the mecha's movements while one was trying to control the mecha. For that reason, any and all minute movements from the body had to be controlled with extreme precision in order to ensure the mecha followed the user's wishes.