The Challenge

"How about the two-against-two match? Do all of you have any opinion on that?"

Yuanen Yehui answered, "We're going to strive to win over that match. I'll join Yue Zhengyu versus you and Gu Yue."

Tang Wulin agreed. "Alright. That's considered a match. How about the group match? What did the seven people representing the group match think?"

Yuanen Yehui answered, "It's certainly not a problem with us if Gu Yue and Ye Xinglan are on your side. We only object to these two people — Xu Xiaoyan and Xie Xie. I'll be choosing two students from my class and have a two-against-two match with them as a trial of strength. Whoever wins will get to represent us and participate in this competition. How about that? Of course, the two people that are chosen from my class won't be me and Yue Zhengyu."

"Alright. That's settled then." Tang Wulin agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Yuanen Yehui could not help frowning upon seeing that he agreed so directly. "You're so certain about this?"