A Furious Gu Yue

Be it darkness or light, they would still be affected by Elemental Stripping.

However, there was a limit to the Bluesilver Golden Array. It could not possibly encompass the entire stage, and could only disperse the thickness of the Curtain of Darkness.

The orb on the top of the Elemental Staff in Gu Yue's grasp turned golden, and a beam of golden light shot toward the sky. It spread outward in coordination with the Bluesilver Golden Array. Only then were Yuanen Yehui and Yue Zhengyu exposed.

At this moment, the two of them made very peculiar moves. The golden light of the saint sword flickered within Yue Zhengyu's grasp while a pitch-black demon sword exuded a purplish glow in Yuanen Yehui's grasp. The duo raised their swords above their heads and pointed them toward the heavens.

A melodious, pleasing voice and a deep, hoarse scream resounded on the stage at the same time and giant, five-meter-high shadows appeared behind Yuanen Yehui and Yue Zhengyu.