Meeting One's Match

With every strike, her hammer would pause on the surface of the Blue Coppertite for a few seconds. Her Spirit Forged Blue Coppertite Hammers did not rebound. When the Blue Coppertite Hammers struck the metal, a click would be heard and shortly after, electrical sparks would spray forth from the hammers and enter the Blue Coppertite.

As this happened, the internal structure of the Blue Coppertite also changed with lightning speed as its inner veins were quickly put in order.

'Lightning refinement! Her martial soul's attribute must be something related to lightning.' Zhen Hua had made that judgement in a heartbeat. At the same time, he wore a shocked expression, especially since the act of refining metals with lightning was rarely seen. Not only did the act pose a high requirement on the martial soul, it also demanded exceptional control power. This girl's spiritual power must be very strong or she would not have been able to control the lightning this well.