The Powerful Yuanen

All of a sudden, Wu Rui sensed danger and hastily raised his hands to the front of his body.


A tremendous force imbued with a terrifying darkness surged towards him. Wu Rui was struck such that he flew out backward with the light of dark purple electricity shimmering around his body.

The six pieces of battle armor on his body glowed white as they withstood the tenacious sword blows.

'How could this happen?' Wu Rui's heart was in disarray. The next moment, while still flying backward he abruptly sank. He was attempting to control his body subconsciously, yet he could only sense the tremendous pressure akin to a hill on top of him.


Wu Rui dropped to the ground and the twisted space vanished. The crowd watched as Yuanen Yehui kneeled on Wu Rui's chest, using her knees to forcefully slam him to the ground. The tip of the Shadow Devil Sword in her hand was pointed downward at Wu Rui's chest.