Shocking Everyone Present

Ye Xinglan's battle method shocked the entire crowd. This proved that an ordinary soul master was not completely helpless when faced with a battle armor master.

The Holy Spirit Douluo personally picked up Ye Xinglan from the battleground to send her to Tang Wulin and the others.

"She isn't in any danger, but her body has been overtaxed and needs some rest. She cannot participate in the competition later, so I didn't wake her. She's such an extraordinary girl." Yali expressed her heartfelt praise.

Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan received Ye Xinglan together. They did not utter a word, but everyone's eyes were burning with raging flames.

Ye Xinglan did not lose the match. She was the true winner in their hearts!

Through sheer determination, she relied on her four-ringed cultivation base to fend off a five-ringed one-word battle armor master! It was apparent that Mo Jue was incapable of participating in the competition later.

"We have to win the group match," Tang Wulin muttered.