Admitting Defeat

This round was different from the first three. Those were one against one, and at least the competitors were evenly matched for the most part. Ye Xinglan's match could be described as tragic, but no sweeping wins had taken place before this.

This time, in everyone's eyes, the two against two match ended with an overwhelming victory.

When the match began, the twins, Li Mengyang and Li Mengtian had intended to fight an exploratory battle. However, they were forcefully separated in the end. They did not even have the chance to unleash their martial soul fusion skill before they lost the match.

What a terrible loss it was.

The siblings were ghastly pale. Their expressions were brought about not only by their injuries, but also by the two figures standing in the center of the sparring ground.

Tang Wulin, around whom a faint dragon's roar could still be heard, gave them the impression that he was unstoppable with his golden soul rings and golden scales.