The Disappearing Overlord Dragon

'I can't do this anymore. The stress is too much.' Tang Wulin had already thought to press the escape button. At least there was still an opportunity to do so now.

Yet it was also at this moment he was shocked to find that his body was paralyzed. A burst of unusual energy radiated from the Overlord Dragon's body and formed a strange connection with his blood essence reversal. Tang Wulin felt like he was hit with an immobilization spell. He was suspended in the air and could not budge at all. He was effectively rendered incapable of fleeing the spirit ascension platform now.

How did this happen?

He could not even make a sound. He could only gape speechlessly as he looked at the dragon's mouth widening more and more right before his eyes.

'He could kill me in just one gulp.' Tang Wulin could not imagine how it would feel to be chewed up by such humongous teeth.