The Analysis

"Tang Wulin. Male — fourteen years old. The class monitor of first grade class one's student in the outer courts of Shrek Academy. The first graders in this batch are reputed as the strongest freshman class in Shrek Academy. There are many outstanding students in the class but for him to be elected as the class monitor for this particular class... He has to have truly outstanding abilities. Today, he even came to the spirit ascension platform…"

Following that was a description of the events that took place throughout the spirit ascension platform.

"…we've carried out a thorough inspection and analysis of his body and discovered astonishing results. For starters, his body does not contain a single trace of the Overlord Dragon. In other words, although we clearly witnessed the Overlord Dragon being absorbed into his body, there's no sign of its existence. It's as if it has vanished into thin air."