Board the Ship

"Hello, Elder Cai." The federation's secretary Zhang Panwen personally came before Elder Cai to pay his respects.

Panwen was middle-aged and of medium build. He was a slightly balding man, who appeared to be over fifty years of age. There was nothing special about his looks. In fact, they were quite ordinary. However, he was reputed to be a rising star in the federal administration. He was alleged to be running for the next presidency.

"Hello, Chief Secretary Pan," Elder Cai greeted him flatly. Shrek Academy had never been on the best of terms with the federation.

Zhang Panwen chuckled and spoke, "Elder Cai, it goes like this. We've arranged for your respected academy to be on the Star Luo Continent's ocean liner S.S. Star Luo for the purpose of the exchange between both parties. They're in this program too. They wish to trade skills and learn from all of you during our long journey to Star Luo Continent."