Forty Nine Days

When Tang Wulin floated to the surface once more, he did not even have the strength to breathe. His entire body was ghastly pale like a dead fish, and he looked nothing like a human.

A tube had been inserted in his throat as oxygen was gently pumped through it to assist his breathing and heal his body.

Tang Wulin's mind was now completely blank. He was only aware that he was alive despite what he had been through. Eventually, the darkness turned pitch black after an unknown amount of time had passed.

The weather that day was nothing out of the ordinary as sparkling starlight flickered in the sky, and the surging waves of water lapped against his body.

Tang Wulin had finally regained his ability to breathe after a full hour. His body felt lighter, and he could hear the whooshing sound of the wind. However, his vision darkened as he fainted again.

His final conscious thought was, 'So it turns out, Uncle Mu Ye was truly not trying to kill me."