Devil Soul Great White Shark

Tang Wulin inhaled a deep breath as his eyes flashed brilliantly. Blade after blade of Bluesilver Grass surged out like a swarm of bees and rapidly spread outward from his body. The grass surrounded his body like seaweed, creating a dense barrier ten meters around him.

 Tang Wulin had a simple idea. No matter how ferocious the Devilsoul Great White Shark was, it had the same sensitivity to the smell of blood as an ordinary shark. Therefore, he could use his plant-attribute Bluesilver Grass to completely hide his scent so that the sharks would not attack him. He could possibly emerge from this entirely unscathed.

The first shark was dashing forth just seven to eight meters in front of him. As Tang Wulin had expected, the Devilsoul Great White Shark did not notice him due to his own scent being masked by the faint odor of the Bluesilver Grass.