Into the Sea

The Royal Star Luo Academy students stole glances at Tang Wulin and the others as they whispered among themselves.

"I've heard that the Empire has already invited them to participate in this year's Continental Young High-Ranking Soul Masters Elite Competition. I think our next meeting will be on the competition stage."

"What competition would that be? They may be from Shrek Academy, but they're still younger than us. I think they'll be in the junior competition. At least that way, they might have a shot at the championship."

"No, I think they're participating in the youth group. The empire is being a little unfair with this!"

"Well, you can't actually say that. After all, we're the host."

"In any case, we'll have to hit them hard from the start. I've heard that the Monster Academy is also going to take part."

"Is this a battle between the true and false Shrek?" A female student covered her mouth and laughed.