An Intense Collision

With a soft snap, the blade gleam shattered, but Tang Wulin was stopped in his tracks after he had been slashed. His right hand was not injured thanks to the thick soul power protection from the Mysterious Heaven Method, but the surface of his fist still hurt.

Though he was shocked, Ling Wuxie opposite him was even more so. When he saw that Tang Wulin had only used his body to block his blade's gleam, he subconsciously knit his brows and thought, 'Does this guy have a death wish?'

It was only his first soul skill, but with his soul power at the rank of a five-ringed Soul King behind it, even the impact from his first soul skill should have been very powerful.

He had never thought that Tang Wulin would only be frozen to the spot after he was slashed. In the end, his attack had been blocked.