Captain, Could You Come Over To My Room

Gu Yue smiled. "You haven't used your battle armor yet, have you? Xinglan hasn't even managed to produce her own core battle armor and yet, she's already helping others in making theirs. Your rerebrace should be completed soon."

Tang Wulin's eyes brightened. His first piece of battle armor was on the right hand and forearm, then followed by this piece of rerebrace battle armor connecting from his arm to shoulder. Now, his right arm would have a set of completed battle armor when this piece was finally complete.

The Golden Dragon Claw on his right hand was undoubtedly his strongest offensive point. The presence of completed battle armor would only heighten his abilities to new heights and this would give him a better chance when he faced battle armor masters in the future.

"Let's go," Gu Yue said to him as she made the first move to walk outside.