On the Edge of Life and Death

Staying completely still, he focused his mind and held his breath. He also did not inform his companions at the first opportunity he got. He knew that the moment he opened his mouth, he would be exposed instantly. If these Green Skeleton Rebellion members acted like a cornered beast and fired the cannonball immediately, then it was all over.

He could only wait for now.

Thick beads of sweat trickled down his forehead. Tang Wulin, for the first time in his life, felt that he was this close to death.

The four Green Skeleton Rebellion members set up the base with practiced movements and placed the fixed soul cannonball within it.

At this moment, the communicator in Tang Wulin's ear came alive. "Every white fighter, report your situations. The sweeping of the bombs in the interior is now complete. All hands are to swiftly give chase to the fleeing enemies."

"White One, clear."

"White Two, clear!"