Breakthrough! To the Fifth Seal!

Tang Wulin raised his brows just when Yuanen Yehui's voice echoed from the back, "I'll do it."

Not a moment later, a shadow surged skywards. The shadow expanded rapidly and four soul rings rose upwards with the third and fourth soul rings glowing radiantly.

The yellow-shirt youth leader was fearful of the enormous creature which was over five meters tall descending from the sky and smashing straight into his Tornado. Following the impact, his tornado collapsed and dispersed without a trace.

It was the Diamond Titan and Devil Titan! Yuanen Yehui's strength and power were formidable regardless of attack or defense.

She threw a right punch and the air reverberated in its wake.

By the time the yellow-shirt youth leader reacted, he barely had time to fend off the blow with his fan.


The smashing blow caused him to be flung back together with his fan. The powerful force had sent him crashing into the people in his camp.