Heaven-Defying Luck

Ling Wuxie's heart could not help skipping a beat when he saw such a pattern. That golden-colored tag represented Monster Academy! Only contestants from Monster Academy deserved such a privilege.

He was envious in his heart, but he was also wondering how a Monster Academy's student could easily and surely defeat the opponent they were up against.

The golden words 'Monster Academy' was so clear that it made the chaotic crowd feel a little flustered.

To people of the Star Luo Empire, Monster Academy was a holy land and had always held this status in their heart.

Monster Academy's students had the special privilege to skip the first round which was the individual match. This had been a rule for many years, for it was formed based on Monster Academy's outstanding result in every competition.

Just as Ling Wuxie's heart became filled with emotions, he suddenly found the name he had been looking for all along.