Soul Power Stripping

Although his soul power was not being stripped too quickly, it still took a toll on his body. His soul power was currently being rapidly consumed within the Soul Power Stripping halo.

Tang Wulin subconsciously concentrated his mind in an attempt to seal his body with his blood essence as best he could to reduce the consumption of his soul power. However, it was still seeping out from his body in silky wisps of smoke.

Su Mu wore an astonished expression as he looked at Tang Wulin. He could clearly sense the immense amount of soul power being stripped from his opponent. However, Tang Wulin's soul power was significantly denser than what he had imagined, and this made the speed at which it was being stripped become extremely slow. With this, his deepest secrets as a soul master had been revealed.

'This is... interesting! It's no wonder even the Madman Long admired him.'