The Raging Dai Yun’er

Yes! It had been too long since he had met such opponents. Even though he had yet to regard Tang Wulin and his comrades as worthy opponents, they were at least closest to being his opponents.

The match proceedings of Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi's team was plain sailing. Xu Lizhi stood by the side of the arena awkwardly as Ye Xinglan fought the two enemies by herself.

Her swordsmanship was impeccable. The brilliance that was displayed by the Stargod Sword ended this match faster than Yue Zhengyu's earlier team match.

Xie Xie and Yuanen Yehui's match was similarly straightforward. They defeated their opponents without much of a fight. All four teams from Shrek Academy won the first round of the small group matches.

Shrek Academy became more widely known following that.

All sorts of news reports regarding them were on successive headlines.

The phrase 'the wolf is here' appeared on all Star Luo City's print media.