Yue Zhengyu’s Loss

Still, En Ci worried about Long Yue who was the exact opposite of himself during his early days. It was difficult for him to cultivate at the beginning but it became easier as he progressed. His cultivation speed only slowed when he was at the ninety-fifth rank.

Long Yue was different. His cultivation speed was swift at the beginning because he was inherently filled with soul power. His power made a significant leap each elevation thereafter.

In the course of time, Long Yue's cultivation speed began decreasing substantially after his cultivation base was elevated to six soul rings. It was a horrendous ordeal for him each time his soul power was elevated one rank. He had to withstand much pain and agony.

For that reason, Long Yue was called Madman Long. No matter how strong his willpower was during the process of cultivation, his personality was duly affected due to the harsh continuous torment that he underwent.