
Initially, even he was at a loss. How could a four-ringed soul master possess a battle armor core? However, when Yuanen Yehui released her twin martial soul, he understood.

The soul power of a soul master with a twin martial soul was much greater than another similarly ranked soul master. That was the key element that enabled her to craft the core component for her battle armor.

She had most of the abilities of a one-word battle armor master, and she had the enhancement from her twin martial soul. Consequently, the difference between her and Teng Teng was not as great as they had predicted. Moreover, her martial soul was clearly more powerful than Teng Teng's.

Within the Curtain of Darkness, Teng Teng's immediate reaction was to start moving at high speed. He activated his soul skill, the Hiding Shadow, and dashed away at maximum velocity. He first had to break free of the Curtain of Darkness or else he would remain on the defensive throughout the fight.