Tiger King Battle Armor

"Contestant Tang Wulin's martial soul has become stronger with the unleashing of his fourth soul skill. What a thick vine! It looks to be a rank more powerful than before. Contestant Dai Yueyan couldn't charge out of that light ring. The vines also rose within the light ring, and they look stronger too."

Circles of blue rings rose from under his feet. Bluesilver Golden Array was Tang Wulin's third soul skill. In truth, this soul skill's greatest strength was Elemental Stripping. It had a powerful restraining effect on every elemental attribute. It also has the ability to bind the opponent.

If it were under normal circumstances, the Bluesilver Golden Array could not constrain Dai Yueyan. After all, its constraining ability was dependent on the Bluesilver Grass's Bind and puncturing ability.