I’m A Competitive Girl

The thunderous hand-clapping echoed from the shore over the lake's surface. The emergence of the first couple in the date festival made everyone cheer for them in excitement.

Xie Xie's eyes reddened for he had waited so long for this day. He had truly waited far too long for the arrival of this day and with great difficulty too!

Tang Wulin was also clapping loudly. His face was filled with smiles. 'Congratulations guys. Congratulations, Yuanen and Xie Xie.'

The fireworks subsided. The lotus leaves underneath Xie Xie and Yuanen Yehui turned to a gold color before sending them toward the shore. No one came to kidnap the bride. They received everyone's blessings instead.

The couple reached the shore but they did not leave. There was also Xu Lizhi and Ye Xinglan who had just changed their attires standing with them.

"I'm sorry, Sister Xinglan. It's my fault that we didn't see the fireworks." Xu Lizhi looked apologetically at Ye Xinglan by his side.