
"Fixed location? Control over plants. Very well, that's two more areas." Yun Ming spoke as if he was deep in thought, "That is to say that if you are capable of controlling this soul skill, you can transmit yourself to any plant within your soul skill's control and launch an attack enhanced by your increased soul power. Is that right?"

Tang Wulin answered, "I think so. However, I can't seem to control well. I can sense all these, but I can't remember anything else."

Yun Ming nodded. "It's already not an easy task to sense all these. Hmm, from now on, don't think about using your soul power before you elevate yourself to eight-ring and break through your spiritual power to Spirit Domain."

Tang Wulin was stunned for a moment. "So you're saying that I shouldn't trigger this soul skill without rank-80 soul power?"