
Tang Wulin panted heavily. He somehow managed to endure it. However, when Na'er stabbed the Silver Dragon Spear into his chest, the shock and pain he felt at that moment were indescribable.

Fortunately, his firm belief and his trust in Na'er helped him triumph over Nightmare. He had managed to endure it somehow. Even so, the sound of Na'er weeping and lamenting still echoed inside his mind. It made his heart pulse with pain. At the end of it all, he let Na'er down.

Was he in a dream then or was he awake? Tang Wulin was not clear about this. The nightmare just now really felt real. The pain he felt was real too.

At this moment, Old Demon Nightmare slowly appeared before him.

"Are you shocked?" Old Demon Nightmare looked at Tang Wulin as if he wanted to crack a joke.

Tang Wulin's expression was grim. He found it hard to respect this old man in front of him.