Parting Ways Temporarily

Tang Wulin was overjoyed that he did not need to part ways with his comrades. It was truly amazing.

He turned around and looked at Xie Xie and Yuanen Yehui.

Xie Xie was also looking at Yuanen Yehui. There was no doubt that the henpecked husband Xie Xie would follow Yuanen Yehui's choice.

Yuanen Yehui's gaze turned desolated as she shook her head. "I can't enlist as I have some important matters to attend to after graduation."

She turned around and left upon saying that. Xie Xie was astounded, then he smiled apologetically at Tang Wulin before he turned around and chased after her.

As he gazed at their receding figures, Tang Wulin muttered to himself, "Yuanen seems to be troubled by something, but she has never mentioned it before."