Three Questions

At this point, his gaze turned dull. "Frankly, we didn't believe that Shrek Academy was annihilated until we sensed the aura of the Nature Child in you. The previous Nature Child was the Gold Tree in Shrek Academy. Its existence had supported Nature. Now that I think about it, it has fallen already."

Tang Wulin could not help feeling shocked upon listening to his words. The Gold Tree had already fallen as the Damask Tulip mentioned, while his Nature Child had been formed with the help of the Gold Tree. Actually, he had already accomplished the Nature Child soul ring even before the Gold Tree had fallen!

What caused Nature to be destroyed so incisively? Without a doubt, it was the reckless act of mankind. Tang Wulin felt heaviness on his chest when he thought about it because he was a part of mankind.

"What's going to happen if the Nature Seed doesn't germinate and take root?" the Amorous Douluo suddenly asked.