Sand Demon Beetle

Tang Wulin's heart heaved a sorrowful sigh. She was such a vexing little witch! He truly wished that he could devour her in one gulp.

His heart was burning because, if not for the fact that he had yet to clarify the relationship between Gu Yue and Na'er and that she was still having amnesia at the moment, he would certainly...humph humph!

With great effort and much difficulty, he managed to struggle free of Gu Yuena's octopus grip. Tang Wulin exhaled in relief and drank a few mouthfuls of cold water to suppress the heat in his heart.

Gu Yuena opened her eyes and used her hand to shield herself from the sunlight reflecting off the window. "Where are you going?! The sunlight is too glaring and there's no curtain."