Jiang Wuyue’s Surprise

Jiang Wuyue had been beaten woefully by Tang Wulin during the two attacks. Tang Wulin had not even used his golden soul ring's strength yet. At present, he was about to use his strongest soul ring. How could Jiang Wuyue possibly withstand it?

However, Jiang Qiyue watched as Tang Wulin's lips cracked into a smile.

A golden halo rippled away from underneath his feet and spread outward swiftly. Step by step, Tang Wulin walked in Jiang Wuyue's direction. Soon, the golden halo with complex striations appeared underneath Jiang Wuyue's feet and enshrouded him.

Precisely at that moment, an extremely loud and sonorous dragon's roar broke out from Jiang Wuyue's mouth. The spine on his majestic body straightened instantly.

His heavy and thick black scales abruptly turned golden while the submission and fear he felt earlier vanished during that split second. His mind was now filled with extreme excitement.