Blood Nine

For a moment, the senior colonel was caught off guard upon receiving his Blood God Bracelet. He then raised his head abruptly and looked toward Tang Wulin. "Are you from the Blood God Battalion?"

Tang Wulin nodded and spoke, "Reporting for duty, sir. The Blood God Battalion's supernumerary personnel, Tang Wulin."

The senior colonel was stunned for a moment. Later, he examined Tang Wulin's Blood God Bracelet. "Your Blood God Bracelet's merit points are divided into two parts with the latter being battle merit points. Let me take a look. You've only participated in this campaign for a day, so the merit points are accumulated from this very day. Your merit points are sixteen thousand and eight hundred?"

His voice went a few pitches higher. Then, he calculated for a moment before he spoke, "In addition to the double points awarded for close combat, your total merit points gained are twenty-one thousand and four hundred."