Between Four-Six

Countless Bluesilver Emperor vines shot out, as he immediately unleashed his first soul skill, Bind!

The body of Between Four-Six on the opposite side swelled instantly as six soul rings appeared abruptly which made his body tall and bulky at once!

What was that…

It appeared rather familiar!

Blades of the Bluesilver Emperor Vines surged forward at full speed and bound tightly around Between Four-Six. However, Between Four-Six's body had swelled to seven meters tall. He exerted his body's strength to haul up Tang Wulin who was linked to the other end of the Bluesilver Emperor. Then, he slammed Tang Wulin ferociously against the ground.

Such powerful strength he had!

Tang Wulin broke and released the link between the Bluesilver vines and himself. A large expanse of the Bluesilver Impaling Array expanded and impaled the opponent.