Old Tang Handing Down the Spear

Tang Wulin nodded. "I understand. It's just like having nine partitions in deep waters. When the water on the topmost layer is removed, the weight borne by the other partitions will be lighter. Since there's one less partition, the time it takes for the other partitions to break down will be shorter."

"Yes, that sounds right. As long as your safety is guaranteed, the earlier you break through the final seals, the better it'll be for you. It'll buy you more time. Similarly, the sooner you can absorb the energy contained within the seals, the quicker you can boost your strength. It'll also make you better in controlling the powerful energies and hasten your evolution."

"I understand." Tang Wulin nodded.

"So, I'll begin attempting the tenth seal after I've condensed my soul core," said Tang Wulin determinedly.

Old Tang nodded forcefully. "Exactly!"

Tang Wulin looked as if he was pondering something. "Time is short and the mission can't wait!"