Refusal to Obey

"Tang Wulin." Tang Wulin stood at attention with his gaze fixed and a stoic expression, acting as if he was not the one who tossed aside Zhang Huanyun earlier.

Zhang Huanyun was infuriated by this youth. Damn! How could he pretend he had nothing to do with tossing Zhang Huanyun aside earlier? In any case, the youth had a pleasant demeanor about him.

"Are you not aware of the rules here? Why don't you queue up like everybody else?" asked Zhang Huanyun calmly.

Tang Wulin's expression remained calm as before. "Reporting as ordered, sir. I faced Senior Officer Long Yuxue in the competition just now. Something happened during the confrontation and I'm worried she may be injured in the Star Dou Battle Network so I came rushing over to check on her."

"Competition? You weren't here. So, how did you take part in the competition? Huh, you're from the Blood God Battalion?" He just noticed the red rose on the Blood God Bracelet on Tang Wulin's wrist.