The Powerful Ling Wuyue

Tang Wulin did not allow himself to be careless at all. Speckles of golden light illuminated on different parts of his body as his cool-looking Dragon Moon battle armor rapidly covered his entire body. When the golden mask arose to cover his face, the aura unleashed from Tang Wulin's body immediately prompted a response from Ling Wuyue whose brows moved ever so slightly.

Her gaze was subconsciously fixated on Tang Wulin's right arm. She found herself staring at his large Golden Dragon Claw, much to her surprise.

Tang Wulin was cladded in his Dragon Moon battle armor which made him close to three meters tall. The pair of enormous dragon wings behind his back was spread out while his entire body emitted a dazzling golden radiance. The Golden Dragon Spear stretched out in his hand and revealed its original form. The air that surrounded his body seemed to warp slightly.