The Opportunity to Achieve Something

Tang Wulin was suddenly enlightened there and then. He was under the assumption that he would encounter a formidable enemy during the round-robin which was why he had even made preparations to use his Blood Soul Fusion Skill during the tournament. Thus far, he had not encountered the opponent he had imagined. His ability as two-word battle armor master, with a cultivation base close to rank-60, a dual powered martial soul and bloodline, plus the strength of the strongest army meant everything was going smoothly for him.

Jiang Wuyue continued, "Even so, don't rest on your laurels just yet. Every step during the final stage is thorny. The eight great divisions will be sending out thirty-two contestants each. That's a total of two hundred and fifty-six competitors. Those are all elites chosen from each of the great divisions. When it comes to that, try not to get eliminated in the first round, huh?"