Turning Defeat Into Victory

There was very little time for Tang Wulin to weigh his options, but he made the right call at that exact moment.

He unleashed his third and sixth soul rings almost simultaneously. Without a sound, a large, gorgeous and flamboyant pink flower emerged behind the back of his mecha.

It was his sixth soul skill, the Devour Heaven and Earth!

At the same time, a huge, complex array of golden striations appeared beneath his feet while the Bluesilver Emperor vines, that had been charging forward, suddenly retracted. The mecha landed on the ground boldly.

The Artillery Battery, sitting on the inside of mecha Number Two Hundred and Thirty-one, had already cracked into a victorious smile. The technique he had used definitely benefited himself in every way when used against another mecha master. He launched four overlapping strikes of the Demonslayer Immortal Radiance in addition to his spatial transfer. He had exhausted his abilities for this.