The First Battle Against the Cloud Vortex Divine Punch

In the upcoming competitions, Tang Wulin was about to face even more powerful opponents. There were other factors that were beyond mankind's control, such as luck.

When Tang Wulin stood on the Federal Star Dou Battle Network Challenge's finals competition stage once again to meet his opponent, he was speechless.

Although the Battle Network blurred the opponent's face and there was nothing unusual on the opponent's body, he still recognized her at a glance. It was just like how Yuanen Yehui would not fail to recognize him as well.

The round of the final eight contestants. Tang Wulin versus Yuanen Yehui.

Out of the Shrek Seven Monsters, Ye Xinglan was eliminated after losing to the Gale Demon Saber Sima Jinchi during an earlier round. They were the only two remaining with one destined to be eliminated in this round of eight-into-four competition.