Never Coming Back

Yes, he had had a breakthrough. During the battle, after enduring Tang Wulin's final attack, he had taken a step which he had not been able to for the past ten years. At that moment, he had reached the rank of a Title Douluo. He felt his own sublimation and a substantial improvement in himself.

Sadly, the great achievement was only inside the Star Dou Battle Network, and after he left it, everything vanished. His soul power had returned to its initial rank. However, after experiencing the sensation of being a Title Douluo for only a brief moment, one could imagine his newfound passion.

Yue Zhengen did not give him a direct answer. Instead, he posed another question, "So, will you be coming back?"

Sima Jinchi was slightly stunned. He scratched his head. "I'm afraid that I won't. According to the strange feeling I had when my Sabersoul awakened, it seems that I have no choice, but to remain with this man after I find him."