You Go, Xiong Jun.

Possibly, the only place that was calm and quiet in the Blood God Army at that moment was Tang Wulin's living quarters. 

His blood was racing with the sound of people cheering as well, but he still chose to log out from the Battle Network and return to his room. 

His gains from today's battle were much greater than when he fought against the Gale Saber Demon Sima Jinchi. He experienced firsthand just how powerful the Body Sect's Innate Secret Technique was. He could even confirm that if he was capable of successfully cultivating the Innate Secret Technique himself, he would not face many problems during the breakthrough of the next two layers of the Golden Dragon King's Seal. In any case, this Secret Technique was perhaps the most effective method of refining one's body in the world. He would need to give it a try regardless. 

At this point, he dialed Mu Ye's soul communicator.