The Evil Soul Masters’ Ambush

Without a doubt, the Blood Gods Great Array was very powerful. It could even be regarded as the most powerful array on the entire Douluo planet. However, it had its own drawbacks as well. This array was only effective against beings from another plane. The planar power formed by heaven and earth spirits would only repel outsiders. It would not have any effect on living beings from the same plane.

The nine figures that had suddenly dashed out just now were not from the abyssal plane, there was no doubt about this. However, they had charged directly at the nine Blood Gods who were maintaining the great array without any consideration for their own lives.

This change was too sudden. It was so abrupt that nobody had time to react to it.

Black Monarch who had been coldly observing the passage's exit from the depths of the abyss seized this opportunity and made her move. She led six abyssal kings and allegedly charged towards the exit.