Depart, Blood Dragon Unit

"Understood! Don't worry. I'll take good care of myself."

Blood One nodded. "Go ahead then. All the best." 

Tang Wulin saluted once again before he turned around and took the lead to leap up into the air. With the battle armor attached to his body and the dragon wings on his back, he glided toward the east direction. 

Behind him, the Gale Saber Demon Sima Jinchi, the Strength God A Ruheng, Ling Wuyue, Ma Shan, Jiang Wuyue, Long Yuxue, and twelve members of the Blood Dragon Unit leaped up simultaneously as they chased after him flying into the distance. 

A faint smile emerged on Cao Dezhi's face soon after he watched their departing figures. "The right opportunity comes to the right person at the right time. Wulin, all the best. We can only assist you as you embark on your journey. How far you'll go depends on your own effort."

Zhang Huanyun heaved a sigh. "Hey, I already miss him."