The Arrival of Duskgold

After the influence of his elevated cultivation base caused it to evolve,

Tang Wulin's lustrous two-word battle armor seemed to be shining brilliantly. As soon as it appeared, it turned into the core of the entire Blood God Unit. 

After the Golden Dragon Spear landed in Tang Wulin's palm, everyone on the scene felt refreshed and spirited. 

A Ruheng and Sima Jinchi stood by Tang Wulin's side, so they felt it most clearly. 

In the Federal Star Dou Battle Network Challenge, both of them fought against Tang Wulin before, and after examining themselves, they had they came to the conclusion that their abilities approached those of Tang Wulin. 

However, when Tang Wulin unleashed his battle armor and weapon before them, they felt completely different immediately. 

His aura…

A Ruheng and Sima Jinchi could not help but be astonished.