Long Yuxue’s Beam

It had never taken the attacks by humans too seriously before. Even if a Limit Douluo attacked the Bear Lord, it was not easy for it to be wounded.


A soft sound made Bear Lord's body shudder. An expression of disbelief was instantly reflected in its eyes. Its pair of sharp outstretched claws suddenly shook. A surge of immense and terrifying dark golden air flow burst forth like an exploding cloud as it sent A Ruheng, Sima Jinchi, and Tang Wulin flying.

Tang Wulin did not even get a chance to unleash the skill he had prepared. Although his Blood Soul Fusion Skill's version of Thousand Accusing Fingers could not really block Bear Lord's attack, he was prepared to merge Thousand Accusing Fingers with Final Stake and fight against Bear Lord by risking his life. His returned Spear's Gleam from the pressure was actually him relying on Bear Lord's strength to compress his Spear's Consciousness as much as possible.