Let’s Go Earn Some Money

Although the service staff was not acquainted with the middle-aged man with unattractive features, he had revealed his status! No one dared to fake the identity of a seven-star Saint Craftsman. Even though the Blacksmith's Association did not enjoy as high a status as the Mecha Master's Association, the president of the Blacksmith's Association was a member of the parliament. The Divine Craftsman Zhen Hua was a member of the parliament. Moreover, he was also one of the bureau members. He was among the names Tang Wulin was familiar with on the list. Zhen Hua acted as one of the leaders in the Independent Faction. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't aware you're a Saint Craftsman." The service staff dared not blame Tang Wulin for not displaying his badge. In fact, Tang Wulin would not have put on his badge if it were not because there were too few people on this level. Otherwise, he would be watched like a rare animal by the people.