Is It Mine?

After generations of soul master research, it was eventually discovered that Metalwater Harmonizer's greatest application was to be used as a medium during fuse forging.

Tang Wulin had only seen this rare metal in Zhen Hua's workshop. In ordinary times even Zhen Hua himself would not use it.

If it was a rare treasure for even a Divine Craftsman then its value was unthinkable.

This small piece of metal could be compared to a divine mecha in value.

Zhen Hua had wanted to give him such a precious metal. Without a doubt, Zhen Hua wanted him to add in more types of metals when he fuse forged his three-word battle armor to raise its strength to the maximum. That was how much his uncle master loved him.

"Uncle master, this is too precious." Tang Wulin could not help but voice his mind.