Saber God Douluo

Even though many years had passed since then, when Tang Wulin thought back to that scene, he could not help but feel bitterness in his heart.

"Three years, for three whole years, I had been working hard on my forging. The calluses on my hands grew thicker and thicker. Blisters formed and flattened. Finally, I had enough money. However, what it got me was a defective spirit soul. I cried pathetically that day. Nobody could have comforted me. I was thinking back then, why were the heavens so unfair to me? Why did the worst situations always happen to me?"

"I cried through the pain. In the end, I chose to fuse with it. Even if it was a defective spirit soul, I wouldn't give up. I wanted to become a soul master and work hard to become an expert. Even if I failed in the end, I'd have no regrets."

"Then, I fused with my first spirit soul. It was weak, and the soul skill it gave me was also feeble. But from that day on, I was finally a true soul master."